Please email your buyer scenarios to Jeff Lazerson by clicking HERE or call him at (949) 322-8640 and let’s see if we can solve your loan approval challenges!
Week of 4/29/17:
Listing agent requires buyer to cross qualify with listing agents loan officer.
Loan officer concludes that buyer doesn't qualify after we've issued a firm pre-approval letter in conjunction with a Fannie Mae Desktop Underwriter approval.
Deal crashes.
We go back and retrace our math and listing agents loan officers' math.
The other loan officer incorrectly used a tax rate of 1.888 percent when the tax rate was actually 1.088 percent.
We talk everyone off the ledge.
Deal is now in escrow.
Conclusion: Do not allow cross-qualification as a buyers' agent.
It's condescending, an invasion of privacy and a form of collusion between the listing agent and loan officer to steal business away.